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Re: [tlug] big number calculation to small number using javascript

rather than showing the true number i want to display to the user (on
the screen) the smaller (scientific notation) number, i.e. if the
input is 2222222222222222222222 display as xxxxe+

bigint just shows the true number (big) and look untidy (ugly) on the screen

the user is not constrained by how many digits they can key in which
is why i want to display the calculations (based on their input) using
smaller number equivalents

On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 at 16:08, <> wrote:
> On 2021-03-22 17:47, James Tobin wrote:
> > 23 digit input
> I didn't have a chance to understand the code yet. Just as a potential
> hint;
> you might be hitting Javascript's limitations on numbers.
> More Info;
> Hope it helps.
> --
> Furkan Mustafa

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