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Re: [tlug] File-sharing

On 6/7/19 9:14 AM, Stephen Lasseter wrote:
I've been very happy with NextCloud.  I run it out of a Linux VM with ZFS for the storage.  I host it myself, but there are a lot of managed solutions for it as well.  It is also cross-platform including Linux with iOS and Android apps as well.  If you go the self hosting route, there is a lot of community support available.

Look for the ownCloud so called " appliance " (turn-key offer) as well. It's ownCloud built on top of professional " Univention " Linux distro.

That's what I do. Good results within my small " LAN " office (sluggish-ed VirtualBox-based). Better results with KVM on datacenter. No doubt ownCloud/NextCloud family is " go-to " solution for folks around here. Don't miss it.

Cheers everybody! フェルナンド

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