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Re: [tlug] [tlug-admin] [announcement] *Bonenkai* December 14th, 2018 - update

I am running late, if you arrive and the is no-one there the table is booked under the name Justin.
On 11/21/18 1:11 AM, Edward Middleton wrote:
We have confirmed the details for the Bonenkai

             Date:     December 14 (Friday)
             Time:     19:30-21:30
             Location: BURG HOLIC
                       Esupasu Konseru Building 2F,
                       3-3, Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0004
             Cost:     4500 yen

             To help us make sure that there will be room for everyone
             to seat, please register your attendance here:

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