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[tlug] [correction][announcement] February 9 (Fri) TLUG Nomikai

       TLUG - Tokyo Linux Users Group February "nomikai"

       Date:    February 9 (Friday)
       Time:    19:00-21:00
       Place:   Craft Beer Tap
                Yodobashi AKIBA building 8F,
                1-1, Kandahanaokacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0028
                (The big Yodobashi Camera next to Akihabara station)
       Cost:    around 4000 yen

       This event is open to all Linux users and friends, and is
       to promote casual Linux (and non-Linux) related discussions
       over a few cold ones. Even if you're not a Linux user or a
       LUG member, but want to hang out with Linux people, please come.

       *If you are planning on attending could you respond to this
       email so I have an idea of numbers.*

       If you get lost,
       or simply want to get in touch with us, please call:

          Edward Middleton............090-3689-0292

       For more information, access the TLUG web page at

       See you there!

 Technical Meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of odd-numbered months
 and the Nomikai Meetings are held on the 2nd Friday of even-numbered
 months. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, so it is best to
 keep an eye on the mailing list.

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