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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Luxstack in Harajuku [was 3d printing]
- Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2014 12:19:16 +0900
- From: Edmund Edgar <>
- Subject: [tlug] Luxstack in Harajuku [was 3d printing]
On 7 June 2014 00:31, [SCA] SCHWARTZ, Fernando G. / Schwartz Consultores Associados Ltda. <> wrote:Could you offer an insight beyond website talk? How exactly they work? You walk in with some sort of good idea (or a solid business plan for that matter) and they "connect" you, very broadly speaking. Are they tech specific?
My interest goes (way beyond) 3-D printing. Very looking forward to any comments.I'm afraid I don't know much about their model, except that the have a nice space in Harajuku, that they have a 3D printer sitting around waiting for somebody to 3D-print something on it and that Jon is a generally friendly guy, so I figured Simon could just say to him, "Hi, I'm Simon Cozens, you may have heard of me because I'm pretty big in Perl, mind I pop in and play with your 3D printer" Jon would probably say, "Yeah, sure, come on over".I just went there once for this Tokyo DECENTRALISE hackathon:If you'd been noticing that the internet was looking particularly decentralized lately then that was us - we didn't just sit around eating sushi and failing to set up one of those bitmessage "chan" chatrooms, oh no.Anyway I suggest you start by talking to Jon. Also I'll let him know about this thread in case he wants to reply to the list about what they do.----Edmund EdgarFounder, Social Minds Inc (KK)
Twitter: @edmundedgarLinked In: edmundedgarSkype: edmundedgar
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