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- Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 10:26:57 +0100
- From: Bruno Raoult <>
- Subject: [tlug] Android questions...
First, Merry Christmas for everybody! Well, better late than never, we say.
"pastis", "foie gras", "huitres", "saumon", "dinde", "fromage", "bûche" and Champagne were too much for both liver, kidneys and brain, especially when having these twice in a row, one for each family :-)
Christmas being a preparation for New Year (regarding food and drinks), I feel quite ready for next step.
Well, I come to my 3 questions. I bought a Samsung tablet (Galaxy 3 8") for Christmas, as "Père Noël" could not offer it to me.
1) About "Contacts" application, how do you manage to sort correctly your contacts, without fields for phonetic firstnames and lastnames (as they exist on iOS)?
2) I am completely lost about *offline* Google Docs edition capabilities. Even Google explanations are unclear (for instance: "Google Drive" application vs "Chrome" browser). Did you try this, and how exactly?
My target would be to have a document on the tablet, that I can edit (normal case), but also being able to edit it when offline, and having it synced back to Google's cloud when I get back the link. I am lost for this case: I tried simply with using the "offline" option for a Google Doc, but it got hung when the connection went back. If this option is not secure, a second one could be to have a copy of the document, and force a sync when I want, but I really don't know about it.
3) Do you use a password manager, such as keepass? I am also not clear on the edit capabilities on the Android machine, and how to make the difference between a local copy and a shared one (for instance on Google Drive). The target for this database is obviously to be able to have it available at anytime, especially when network is not available. I wonder if I should not stick with an email share, which looks like... euhhhm... a 20th century solution.
2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Android questions...
- From: Darren Cook
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