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Re: [tlug] [not Linux related] Why Hollywood does break foreign films ?

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Benjamin Tayehanpour
<> wrote:
> I can't explain it, other than with the hypothesis that most Usonians
> are unaccustomed, unwilling, or even unable to read subtitles. With
> that said, both films were successes and each won a bunch of prizes
> and sold out at the box office, so obviously there were room enough
> for both of them, and the 2011 remake was a good idea. There's just a
> tiny elitist part of me which wishes it weren't.

Richard Gere's "Hachiko" just aired on tv on the weekend here in Hong
Kong.  And there's that gang/police movie "The Departed" which is
originally a Hong Kong movie which Hollywood redid.

As you said, remaking movies by Hollywood brings it to a larger
audience than a dubbed/subtitled version.  As long as they ask for
permission and pay the required licensing fee, I guess that's ok.
Could be worse...they could be redoing it without permission...


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