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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Edit over samba on debian
- Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 09:22:17 +0900
- From: nigel barker <>
- Subject: [tlug] Edit over samba on debian
Dear All,
I've tried this question unsucessfully on various fora. Perhaps someone here knows.
I have a debian lenny samba server. Mac, win, ubuntu and linux mint debian edition (with lxde) clients can all edit files over samba. However, clients running debian squeeze or wheezy (lxde) can't. When browsing to the share (which can be written to), and clicking open, either through pcmanfm or using file/open, then most apps come up with blank page or new file. Libre or open offices briefly display their splash screen, then die.
Does anyone know what I need to install or configure on the wheezy client?
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