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Re: [tlug] Mouse trouble

On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 13:33:12 +0900, CL <> wrote:

> This morning, the torrenting machine, a 2-core AMD homebuilt which runs 
> Xubuntu 12.04 (x64), refused to accept left clicks from my wireless 
> mouse (which has its receiver attached to a PCI USB driver card). 

> I have tried an Xubuntu 12.04 i386 and x64 live CDs and UBCD's Parted 
> Magic (Slackware) desktop with the same results. 

That's a big fat clue that suggests that software ain't your 
problem and that you need to check out the hardware. 
Try your mice in other known good computers. 
Look inside your problem computer for bulged caps, 
fans that don't spin fast, and heat sinks clogged with dust. 
Do same for the power supply. 

Run memtest. Beware of confusing symptoms with causes. 

Its amazing how much craziness bad caps can cause. 

> Am I correct in assuming that the problem is Xorg-related? 

Beware of confusing symptoms with causes. 

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