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Re: [tlug] [OT] plonk [Re: Classes]

Yeah, I took the bait of a troll. My bad. Fortunately, it's easy to ignore
someone devoid of wit and intelligence. And if he said this stuff to my
face, he'd see just how wrong he is about "being challenged about their
physical abilities". 

Anyway, getting back to the subject:

I'm thinking of ditching Ubuntu to go with Linux Mint for the desktop. I
don't care for Unity and I've heard Mint is the best alternative. Anybody
wanna chime in?

A lot of users at the last tech meeting kept touting Gentoo. I've only used
Gentoo a couple times. The one reason why I like Debian based distros is I
really like using apt-get for packages. Maybe someone can explain what they
like about Gentoo?

Thanks all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas Limare [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2012 11:55 PM
To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
Subject: [tlug] [OT] plonk [Re: Classes]

> Americans are coward chickens that just run away
> when challenged about their physical abilities.

And Lewske Wada is a boring moron. Next offensive flame?
Or, get back to something interesting and on topic.

Nicolas LIMARE                         pgp:0xFA423F4F

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