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Re: [tlug] Run rsync based on time difference between local file and server file

Hi Bruno,

On 2011-11-11 17:49, Bruno Raoult wrote:
I don't understand the question... Just run your usual rsync script, it
should just work...
Time is *not* localtime in Unix/Linux systems, but UTC...

Therefore, if your machines are quite correctly time-synced, it will just

I am just wondering...

Doesn't rsync work if you want to synchronize files from computer A to B? But it won't work between both A to B and B to A? I think what Chuck is asking is that you need to know whether to run rsync on computer A or on computer B.
Also, I think in Chuck's case, he has a central computer and 
>1 other computers.  So if synchronization is one-way, then 
you need to figure out where to run rsync.  Of course, when 
you push files across, if the target has an extra file from 
an earlier synchronization, --delete will remove it.  But I 
don't think rsync can sync in both directions.
If it can, then I guess I have been running it wrong :-P 
because that is why I moved from rsync to unison [which, 
again, has rsync behind it].

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