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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Can I get someone to hold my hand with all this oAuth stuff?
- Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 18:31:34 +0900
- From: Martin G <>
- Subject: [tlug] Can I get someone to hold my hand with all this oAuth stuff?
TLUG, A little while back, I had this fantastic idea for setting up a PHP script that would take some text and post it to Facebook, Twitter, and to a mailing list, thus consolidating all the different ways I communicate to people with various groups I run. (Not fantastic in the sense that this is a new idea, but fantastic in the sense that if I could set this it up, it would save me a lot of work in the long run) However, I'm running into a lot of problems with the whole oAuth process and getting my apps authenticated for Facebook and Twitter. I don't think the problems I'm having are big, and all the tutorials make it seem like it should be easy. However, the reality has been much more fuzzy. Ordinarily, in a situation like this, I would try some stuff, narrow down the issues to a question that I can post here or Stack Overflow or somewhere, and then hopefully based on that answer progress to a solution or the next clear problem. However, this whole process is kind of nebulous. I've got a bunch of PHP scripts that should work, I have registered my apps, so they should be authenticated, I have a pile of layers that in theory should be set up, and yet it's not working. Somewhere. Somehow. I feel this could be sorted in an hour or less, so long as one knew where to look. What I'm wondering if there is someone in the Tokyo area who has experience with authenticating apps with Twitter and/or Facebook who I could sit down with and give me a bit of a lesson and assistance. I mean, interaction doesn't always have to be by email, does it? Time would be paid for. Coffee would be bought. Good times by all. Can anyone give me a little assistance in a face to face manner? -- Dave M G
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- Re: [tlug] Can I get someone to hold my hand with all this oAuth stuff?
- From: Shmuel Fomberg
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