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Re: [tlug] ADSL or Hikari Fiber

> 1) In practice, in the real world, is a 100M fiber optic cable split
> eight ways really a lot faster than a dedicated 12M ADSL connection?

* Fiber has no attenuation problem, you get the same bandwith whatever
  the distance between you and the local "hub" (I don't know what it is
  calles in English)
* Fiber doesn't rust like copper wires, has no interference problem,
* I think fiber has a lower latency
* With a 12M ADSL, you get max 12M bandwidth. With a 100M fiber for
  eight, you get 12M when everyone is downloading, 100M when you are
  alone (if it is correctly shared)

> 2) How is the connection handled?  With typical ADSL, you toss in an
> Ubuntu disk, and you're on-line.  Does it work this way with Hikari
> Fiber, or do you have to manually set things up to connect?

You don't plus the fiber into your machine. The fiber comes to a local
optical modem in your home, and this modem usually comes with a
switch/router with NAT and DHCP services. So, you connect your machine
to a good old cat5 Ethernet cable (or Wi-Fi), and it just works,
exactly like the DSL connection you described.

By the way, I may have to move soon, and it wouold be a good
opportunity to change my provider (currently Plala). Is there one you
would recommend? What matters to me is:

* I want an Internet connection, not a web connection: no port
  filtering, no traffic shaping, no restriction on what I do on my
  side of the modem (personal or pro, 1 or 42 machines, servers, ...)
* I prefer symmetric bandwidth, but I'm afrait most ISPs still think
  like cable broadcasting companies
* fixed IP would be very nice, but it should be free or almost free
  (because IPs are free for ISPs)

Nicolas LIMARE                         pgp:0xFA423F4F

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