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- Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 20:31:00 +0900
- From: Shawn Brown <>
- Subject: [tlug] Debian rant
I'm sorry that I can't rigidly follow ideology. It seems weird to me that to make a Debian package that will load a binary onto another device, that the src files and tool chain needed to make that binary be included in the Debian package. The binary has nothing to do with Debian, will not run there, and will only communicate via bluetooth classes whose source is included in the Debian package. Why do we need to include the toolchain for the firmware of a totally separate device in the Debian package just because some people connect to that device via Devian??? I guess I'm not really looking for an answer. I see my fellow developers wasting their time on the effort when we have little and it irks me. It's open source though so I guess people can do what they want but really it's me who'll end up answering the "what's wrong" question. I think I'll just assume it's the firmware, and tell them to do a normal install without building the firmware via the Debian package before trying to diagnose it any further. Sorry. I mean if we were talking a driver that's on your Debian machine, OK I see your point. We're talking a binary you flash to another device. Shawn
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