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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Meet up sometime between Aug 31 and Sept 5?
- Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:23:25 -0400
- From: Rocky Bernstein <>
- Subject: [tlug] Meet up sometime between Aug 31 and Sept 5?
Hi -
By way of introduction, I'm Rocky Bernstein, a long time open source developer. Some of code I've written that's available in Debian includes debuggers for BASH (bashdb), zsh (zshdb), and GNU Make (remake) , and Python (pydb, pydbgr). some video/CD stuff used in players such as xine or vlc vcdimager (for S/VCDs), libcdio and some systems administration tools such as ps-watcher. Don't use Debian or Ubuntu? That's okay as much of this is also packaged for Fedora, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Gentoo, Centos and even Solaris. And of course there's always the source code.
Anyway, I'll be attending the Ruby Kaigi from August 27-30, but I'll be staying in Tokyo until Sept 5th. If there's interest, I'd be happy to demo any of the software I've written and promote some of the lesser-known code I've written that I think is worthy of promotion.
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