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Re: [tlug] Android Bazaar and Conference 2010 Spring

> On June 26 (Saturday), a large Android Conference will be held at
> Tokyo University produced by the Japan Android Group.

I think there is a surprising amount of Android interest in Japan. It
seems I'm not the only one who wants an iPhone-not-controlled-by-Apple :-)

I've been trying to buy the HTC Desire since the start of May but all
shops are permanently sold-out. I keep turning down the offer to join
the waiting list, thinking they're bound to be in plentiful supply soon.
But next delivery is now apparently end of June!!

Again I turned down the waiting list offer as at this rate there will be
new and better devices on the market.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?) (About me and my work) (My blogs and articles)

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