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- Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 13:41:44 +0900
- From: James Grisanzio <>
- Subject: [tlug] TLUG Meeting Rooms
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hey ...As you know Shoji and I work at Sun and we've been hosting the TLUG meetings in conference rooms on the 27th floor of the Sun building in Yoga. However, in the near future those conference rooms will be converted for other use so we'll lose access. But very shortly as the Oracle acquisition of Sun takes place here in Japan, Shoji and I will be Oracle employees and we'll have access to conference rooms at the Oracle building in Aoyama. June, we are ok to use the Yoga conference room, but I'm not sure after that. I'll have more details about dates soon when I'm at Oracle. Also, the Oracle conference space is very nice and probably in a better location for most of the TLUG community. It's also no problem that we use one of the rooms on Saturday's for TLUG meetings (wireless, easy building access, etc). I just don't have any schedule info at the moment. More info in a couple of weeks.So, using the Oracle facilities is an option if the community is interested. If any of you are going to BarCamp on Saturday, you'll get a chance to see the facility because that's where we'll be. Jim
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- Re: [tlug] TLUG Meeting Rooms
- From: Sotaro Kobayashi
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