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Re: [tlug] [announcement] nomikai April 16 (Friday)

A.Tomita wrote:
      TLUG - Tokyo Linux Users Group April "nomikai"

      Date:    April 16 (Friday)
      Time:    19:30-21:30
      Place:   Za Watami, Ginza-dobashi-ten
      Cost:    will be divided up among participants
who else is coming?

1) Thomas Savarimuthu
2) Alberto Tomita
3) <your name here>
Will you do a niji after? I will be at an OpenSolaris event earlier in 
the evening so I can not make the nomi, but I can make a niji afterwards 
for sure. I may make the tail end of the nomi, too, but it will cutting 
it close. 

Also, here are the images from the April 10th meeting yesterday:


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