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[tlug] You are Not a Gadget, by Jaron Lanier

Charles Muller writes:

 > Lanier discusses the technical and cultural problems that can grow out
 > of poorly considered digital design and warns that our financial
 > markets and sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, and Twitter are elevating
 > the ~wisdom~ of mobs and computer algorithms over the intelligence and
 > judgment of individuals.

Elitism.  All that's happening here is that peasants have been
empowered with broadcast power equal to that of the elite.  OK, so if
you want to find some nuggets, you have to sift through a lot of
dross.  But it doesn't take long to get the picture -- in my first
session with PukeTube I got burned by the Clapton cover of Classical
Gas, and immediately applied genetic algorithms.  I can't bring myself
to spend more than 15 minutes in the swamp, but I usually find one
thing worth playing/viewing/reading in a session.  Much better odds
than reading student papers!

 > ** How 1960s antigovernment paranoia influenced the design of the
 >     online world and enabled trolling and trivialization in online
 >     discourse


That said, I *will* go and read it.

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