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- Date: Sun, 17 Jan 2010 10:52:14 +0100
- From: Michal Hajek <>
- Subject: [tlug] solved - usb microscope for linux
- References: <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)
Hello, while ago I asked about this gadget: and finaly I received it from our local seller ( It works well under linux. Here is a quick howto (gentoo): 1. emerge sys-kernel/gentoo-sources 2. cd /usr/src/linux 3. make menuconfig 3a. - select Device Drivers -> Multimedia devices -> Video capture adapters -> V4L USB devices -> USB Video Class (UVC) 4. compile and install new kernel, 4a make && make modules_install; mount /boot ; cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-microscope 4b update bootloader (vim /boot/grub/menu.lst) 4c reboot 5. emerge media-video/luvcview 6. run "luvcview -f yuv -s 640x480" - note that the microscope does not know jpg video format (see luvcview -h) That's it. Here is one quick sample image (letter F printed on our laser printer): Capturing video is also available however I did not test it yet. One cool thing I tried is to put the microscope into my mouth and looked at my teeth to veryfy dentist's work :) In case anyone has questions, feel free to ask me. Best regards michal
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- [tlug] solved - usb microscope for linux
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