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Re: [tlug] openSUSE network connection

Marco Toldo <> wrote:
> are you dealing with a wired connection?

Yes, Marco, I am.

> I could suggest you to try 'ip link show' to check interface state.

Thanks, I will try. Right now I am not logged in to SUSE, though. I just
ran about the 5th Ubuntu source I have tried to set up Ubuntu, feeling
sure it would be another no-run after installation. Even Fedora 11 gave
me the same white screen after log-in that SUSE 11.2 did on that
machine. I've been really bummed at all the problems that desktop
has had with linux.

I was about to give up, but tried an "original" Ubuntu from Linux 100%
and it works! It even got the NVIDIA driver installed and runs the GeForce
card properly. Linux 100% is one of my 2 favorite linux magazines, the
other being Linux Format from Britain. I now have their "original" linux
on both the desktop and laptop. And thanks to Tomita-san's advice for
Picasa, I even get fonts in that program with the Japanese interface.

I sure appreciate the suggestion and will try it next time I boot into


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