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[tlug] When Open Source Meets Closed Minds

>From (The Customer is) Not Always Right[1]:

    When Open Source Meets Closed Minds
    Tech Support | California, USA

    Caller: "I need to report a very serious computer crime! The local
    university is running an illegal computer system!"

    Me: "Could you please repeat that?"

    Caller: "The local university is running an illegal computer system!
    They’ve hacked it!"

    Me: "How could you tell they’d hacked it?"

    Caller: "Well, when it booted, it didn’t say Windows or Microsoft
    or anything! It said something about Deviant Linux, I think, and the
    main screen looked nothing like my good, legal Windows screen at
    home! I think they hacked that, too!"

    Me: "Do you mean Debian Linux?"

    Caller: "Yes, that! Is it some sort of computer mafia or something?"

    Me: "Uh, no, it’s just a different operating system. Nothing to
    worry about."

    Caller: "But it’s illegal! It’s not Microsoft, not even Windows!
    They’re on a normal Microsoft computer, so they’re breaking the
    law! I think they stole my identity when I came in the building!
    I’m calling the FBI!" *hangs up*


Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974
	   Functional programming in all senses of the word:

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