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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] better than programming (off-topic)
- Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:38:26 +0900
- From: Shawn Brown <>
- Subject: [tlug] better than programming (off-topic)
Apparently a lady who is now cancer researcher in England had been chronicling her work as a prostitute, which she started to support her PHD work, and became famous for it. The quote I found interesting was her describing it as "so much more enjoyable" than an earlier job as a computer programmer. I am shocked, absolutely shocked that anyone would say such a thing. You can google her by name - "Brooke Magnanti" or "Brooke Magnant computer programmer". Shawn
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- Re: [tlug] better than programming (off-topic)
- From: Wayne
- Re: [tlug] better than programming (off-topic)
- From: Michael Bitker
- Re: [tlug] better than programming (off-topic)
- From: Zuco Pietro
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