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Re: [tlug] Search MySQL for Japanese Names


Thanks for responding.

Okay, pretty much as expected, I'll need to get users to input a
katakana version of their names in the web form they use to register

I'm still just a little confused over this "decomposed" part of the story.

I think I understand the result. I've often seen "decomposed" katakana,
especially on banking information. Banks often require "decomposed"
katakana when doing transfers, or on bank cards. So I know what I'm
trying to get.

However, I'm not sure on how to get it.

I understand it's not the same as half-width katakana.

So I just did a little searching on the web, and I can't see how I
convert any kind of katakana input (full or half width) to this
"decomposed" form. Is "decomposed" the term most often used for this
kind of thing? Google isn't giving me much love when I search on it in
relation to katakana.

Has anyone done anything like this in PHP and/or MySQL already?

Dave M G

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