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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] kernel performance - torvalds interview
- Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 07:50:34 +0900
- From: Shawn Brown <>
- Subject: [tlug] kernel performance - torvalds interview
Citing an internal Intel study that tracked kernel releases, Bottomley [Novel engineer interviewing Torvalds] said Linux performance had dropped about two per centage points at every release, for a cumulative drop of about 12 per cent over the last ten releases. Torvalds -- "The kernel is huge and bloated, and our icache footprint is scary. I mean, there is no question about that. And whenever we add a new feature, it only gets worse." "Okay, so the summary of this is that you expect that 12 per cent to be back to where it should be next year, and you expect someone else to come up with a plan to do it," joked Bottomley. "That's open source."
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