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[tlug] Sep 19 - Software Freedom Day

found that there will be an event in Shinjuku this weekend - more details here:
   A. BURN STATION and FILM SCREENING September 19 (saturday)
      1. screening "REVOLUTION OS" (a brief history of free software activism and open-source)
         * - starts 7PM at Irregular Rhythm Asylum (saturday)
      2. burn station/linux installfest (a micro-PIRATE burning station)
         * - installation setup starts at 5PM onwards.
         participants are required to bring their own dvd-r/usb

   B. CO-BOOTH WITH IRA AT MEDIFES September 20 (sunday)
      1. will distribute limited copies of COPYSOUTH DOSIER
         * - waiting for medifes coordination
      2. will continue help installing linux OS distros at the booth
         * - participants are required to bring their own laptops or PC 

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