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[tlug] Method/tools to create a video from images, but with control of when the images and for how long they show.

Hello TLUGers,

I am looking into methods to create a video from a set of images.
The catch is that I want to show the images at specific times.

Such as show image 1 at start (0) until 2.5 seconds
Then show image 2 at 2.5 seconds until 4 seconds.
Next show image 3 at 4 seconds until 9 seconds.
And so on.

I see that both ImageMagick's convert and ffmpeg/mencoder have the ability create a video (avi,mpeg, etc) from a group of images, but it appears that
the images are all show for a uniform set of time.

Does anyone know of a tool / the proper commands to do what I am looking for?
In the worst case, I suppose I could write a program to show images in  
X11 and then
have ffmpeg grab the video from that.  But, that feels like a slow and  
wrong way.

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