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Re: [tlug] Two keyboards, two layouts: udev likely part of the solution

2009/4/25 jep200404 <>:

> Josh Glover wrote:
>> 1. Is it even possible to have N active keyboard layouts for N
>> attached keyboards?
> Of course it is, ...

I suspected that, given that most everything is *possible* in Linux.

> ... but I have no idea if it's easy or stupendously difficult.

Damn you, Jim! ;)

> I had some bad experiences with udev, but it had to do with
> documentation that did not match the then changing file
> formats.

Yeah, been there.

> I get the feeling that this has stabilized, and has
> stabilized to a good grammar or format with good capabilities.

Yes, your feeling is correct, or at least shared by me (isn't that the
same thing?).

> I think udev is pretty cool stuff now.

As do I, which is why I will say:

> If you already know the magic commands to execute when a
> particular USB keyboard is plugged in, then getting udev to
> do those commands is no big deal if I recall correctly.

I know how to make udev do stuff when it sees my keyboard, it is the
magic commands to set a layout for only one keyboard that I need help

> If there is some crumb of info from lsusb that means UK, US,
> or JP keyboard, then you could have a more general solution.

lsusb is useless for this, but I can ask the Linux keyboard driver for
some stuff that I think will help.

> I hoped that the bCountryCode would be interesting,
> but mine is a boring 0.

Knowing what I know about the history of computing, I wouldn't be
surprised if that boring 0 means boring US. ;) Lemme try this tomorrow
at work and see what happens.

Thanks for the hint!


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