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Re: [tlug] Wii Linux

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:45 AM, Alain Hoang <> wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 10:52 AM, John Fremlin <> wrote:
>> I want to get a Wii. Any suggestions on how to acquire one cheaply?
> Here are some options (none which I consider great)
> 1.  Buy a used one from sofmap or a game store that sells used stuff
> (savings not so impressive)
> 2. Check out yahoo auctions jp and try bidding (requires decent jp reading
> skills I think)
> 3. Bug your social network that is physically in japan that they want to
> donate a wii :)
> As for whether the hack works on newer gen versus older gen Wiis.  Isn't
> that part of the fun?  :)

Actually no - except you are good and have fun in reverse engeneering
and finding exploits.
Afaik they fixed with the new Wiis only the bug that you can read out
the memory when running a Game Cube-game and that was needed only
The Twilight-hack should still function because Nintendo fixes iirc
only in a very stupid way the bug (iirc they fixed only a symptom and
not the bug…and that for a year now) and the Twiizers could find an
exploit very fast after a fix.


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