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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] HTML Off-line Viewing Not Working (photos not displaying)
- Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2008 20:42:21 +0900
- From: "Lyle H Saxon" <>
- Subject: [tlug] HTML Off-line Viewing Not Working (photos not displaying)
I have previously made and posted HTML pages from the same machine, but recently have made some HTML pages off-line with one machine, and then copied the files over to another machine via a USB flash memory device (sneaker transfer, I know...). The uploaded pages work fine, but the photos are not displaying when accessing the HTML page directly off-line (which does work on the first machine that they were created with).
The file structure is exactly the same as the pages that display photos off-line, the only difference is that the pages were created with one machine and copied over into the website off-line directories on a second machine. Again, these pages, when uploaded, work fine, and no - it's not because the links are to an external source. They were done exactly the same way as I've always done them and work off-line on the first machine.
The only thing I can think of off-hand is something to do with file permissions, but I don't understand why this would prevent the photos from displaying off-line, but be no problem on-line.
Assuming that the problem is permissions and I have to change those - how can I change a batch of - say 32 photos - in one step? I tried highlighting a batch and going to properties, but I couldn't change them as a batch - only one at a time.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] HTML Off-line Viewing Not Working (photos not displaying)
- From: Orlando Echevarria
- Re: [tlug] HTML Off-line Viewing Not Working (photos not displaying)
- From: Hung Nguyen Vu
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