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Re: [tlug] FTTH ISP recommendation

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Edward Middleton <> wrote:
> I have been using Asahi-net b-flets and am reasonably happy with them.  They
> let me use my own router and have reasonably priced static ip's.
> Quentin Arnaud wrote:
>> I'm in the market for a "good" FTTH ISP in Tokyo area. Let's define
>> what I understand by good in order of priority :
> My understanding is that for consumer level options you have B-FLETS, USEN,
> Hikari one, tepco hikari for the fiber and then various ISP options over
> these.  The fiber provider usually dictates things like whether you can use
> your own router and the ISP dictates your connectivity and billing if it is
> an all in one deal.

>From my recent experiences B-Flets lets you connect throough a simple
PPPoE authentication so any custom router should be OK. But KDDI's
Hikari One is not and it's impossible to get rid of KDDI's home
gateway which is very sad because it's extremely fast. (I managed to
get 90Mbps out of the 100Mbps line)
Any one knows how the other 2 USEN and TEPCO-Hikari work ?

I am in a detached house in Tokyo so the speed i get is only
influenced by Optical Fiber / ISP since I do not share connection. I
have one question regarding speed :
Does it depend more on the actual optical fiber (ntt b-flets vs KDDI
hikari one) or the ISP ?

>> 1 I can use my own router and am not locked into the ISP's "home gateway".
>> 2 I can pay my bills at combini.
>> 3 There is some physical stores / counters, I can go to should I have
>> any complaint.
> If you really want this sort of service I imagine you would need to go for a
> business plan, which I don't think you would want to pay for.  Apart from
> giving you someone to corner at a shop, how will having someone at a
> physical shop help you?  My experience is that such attendants usually have
> no authority or technical skills but are good at dealing with people, so if
> you want a shoulder to cry on over the fact that they aren't going to/can't
> fix your problem ;)

True number 3 should be lower on priority list as long as I can get
english support by phone.
Number 2 stems from the fact that I do not have a credit card.

>> 4 No P2P throttling.
> All ISP's I have looked at state in their TOS that they will throttle or
> kick you for excessive usage.  Though what constitutes excessive seems to
> mostly amount to causing complaints from other users.  If you are on a low
> bandwidth shared connection and your activity is causing complaints from
> other users, expect to have problems.  Having said that, I have not had
> problems using P2P software.

Thanks for your contribution on Asahi, out of curiosity what sort of
speed do you get with ASAHI +  NTT B-flets ( and of course are you in
a house or in a mansion?) seems to fit the bill except for they only accept payment by
credit card.



> Edward
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