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Re: [tlug] STM (was: Re: work times & accommodation @tokyo)

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
I pass on the following URL without comment.  Look at the thread "GHC
and Darcs".

Well the following would seem to pretty well sum up the situation.

Don Stewart[1]

   Speaking as a GHC dev, I think the mood is more,

   a) darcs is lacking clear project direction and energy, which is
   slowing down our project, and slowing dev uptake

David Roundy[2]

   >/ * What's the current direction of darcs?
   Darcs isn't moving, because noone is working on it, so it doesn't have
   a direction.  That's not quite true.  Eric occasionally fixes bugs.


   > * If there is a lack of "energy" in darcs, what should be done to
   > promote it?

   It doesn't need promotion, it needs a programmer.

Considering the GHC developers seem to be most seriously considering git[3] I think it is more a reflection on the success of git.



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