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Re: [tlug] moving - ISP recommendations anyone?

I have to call OCN soon and cancel or have them transfer my IP to my new
place, so if anybody has any recommendations for a home-server friendly
ISP I would be grateful and indebted...

Well asahi-net is pretty home server friendly but I don't think they will do the reverse DNS so you will still have the email problems.

I've mentioned Usen recently (should be in the archives). I didn't reply at first because I have no idea whether they can/will do reverse DNS. I know mine only points to a hostname-ized version of the static IP. (Look up and then reverse-DNS that.) However, I don't seem to have any trouble with email. Then again, I do most of my mailing logged into my web hosting provider at anyway. You could call them. You probably have to anyway to see if they cover the area into which you're moving. If I recall right, they also provide an outbound mail gateway you could flush everything through. I'm not using that, though.

Joseph L (Joe) Larabell            Never fight with a dragon                    for thou art crunchy        and goest well with cheese.

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