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Re: [tlug] Firefox beta 3 (was: NEWBIE: My Way and NOT Their Way?)

On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 15:50:55 +0900, "Josh Glover" <> wrote:

> >  The form of auto-complete used for the address bar got on my wick in
> > about 3 seconds flat
> Seems like you can probably toggle that in about:config. Did you look?

Yes, but I didn't find anything.

> For me, serenity came when I saw that FF3 is using about 50% as much
> memory as FF2 for my average session.

I have a gigabyte of RAM in this crate. I'm not worried about FF using 10%
of that even if it does seem an inordinate amount at first sight. I'm not
saying that a reduced footprint isn't a good thing - of course it is - it's
just that I'm not worried about it personally.

Oh, and I didn't care for the font rendering either.

I accept that both of the above points are entirely subjective.

G. Stewart -

Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear bright 
until you hear them speak.

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