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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] utf form problems
- Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 15:15:35 -0800
- From: steven smith <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] utf form problems
- References: <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071023)
Marty Pauley wrote:Hello...I'm pretty sure the problem is how you are getting the value for $input. Please post that bit of code.
my $input = undef; if (exists $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}) { read(STDIN,$input,$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH},0); }
Thank you.
It looks like the encoded string being sent to the server is wrong.
No, the encoded string is correct.
I have debug statements to look at what is arriving on stdin
You're reading stdin directly!? Don't do that.?? what else would one do? I know I should be checking the input string before I do anything with it, but so far -- I'm not that far. The whole test form at this point does nothing but submit a hidden string to see if it's right on the other end. This is my first CGI in some time and my first using UTF-8 ever. I'm still feeling my way around.
and the debug output in the browser looks like: $input = "rtk_kanji_1=%E5%8A%A9" $output = "rtk_kanji_1=%E5%8A%A9"
$ perl -MURI::Escape -wle 'print uri_unescape "%E5%8A%A9";' 助
ok... I'm getting more confused now. From the statement above it looks like what I should be doing is something like: my $uncoded = uri_unescape($input);
At this point I'm even more confused before. If I step through the debugger and set the input string by hand, things look fine. But I get mojibake on output from the test form: To test that we send utf8, print a kanji:助 Print input and unencoded strings: $input = "rtk_kanji_1=%E5%8A%A9" $unencoded = "rtk_kanji_1=å©"
I have pretty much a bare bones test. The html form is 13 lines, the debug script is 23 lines and both are attached. I'm not sure if tlug will pass on the attachments, so they are also available at and
I think it's time to go hit the gym and blow off some steam. Maybe this will make more sense afterward.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks. Steve S.
#!/nfs/httpd/cgi-bin/sjs/perl/bin/perl -w -CAO $| = 1; use utf8; use open ':utf8'; use open ':std'; use URI::Escape; print "content-type: text/plain charset=UTF-8\n\n"; print "To test that we send utf8, print a kanji:å©\n"; my $input; if (exists $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} && $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} < 50) { read(STDIN,$input,$ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH},0); } if ($input) { print "Print input and unencoded strings:\n"; print "\$input = \"$input\"\n"; my $unencoded = uri_unescape($input); print "\$unencoded = \"$unencoded\"\n"; }
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] utf form problems
- From: dave
- Re: [tlug] utf form problems
- From: Marty Pauley
- References:
- [tlug] utf form problems
- From: steven smith
- Re: [tlug] utf form problems
- From: Marty Pauley
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