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Re: [tlug] An old topic

On 2008-02-13 06:53 +0900 (Wed), Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

> [Top-posting is] a miserable way to communicate about complex
> proposals which are being discussed analytically, piece by piece.

Actually, if it gets people off the usual usenet path of chopping up a
post into tiny pieces and responding to each piece individually, I'm
all for it. You've seen as many exchanges as I have that turn into a
large stream of tit-for-tats* descending into minutia that have no
overall coherency and completely miss the larger points of the original

Curt Sampson       <>        +81 90 7737 2974   
Mobile sites and software consulting:

* I was going to pluralize that properly, but after looking at the
result, reverted it. :-)

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