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RE: Linux docs (was:Re: [tlug] Re: IPv6)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ On 
> Behalf Of Daniel A. Ramaley
> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 9:39 AM
> To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
> Subject: Re: Linux docs (was:Re: [tlug] Re: IPv6)
> I've heard it said that Linux is for people who hate Windows 
> while BSD 
> is for people who love Unix. I'd say that is accurate. The culture 

Sounds good. :P  I don't particularly hate windows, I just
Preffer *nix type OSes.  They feel more comfortable to me.
:(  Just need more mainstream games.

> I've never tried Gentoo, but Debian is what i use normally. 
> If you are comfortable administering a Debian system then 
> you should be able to learn OpenBSD. Just remember to read
> the man pages and the FAQ (i always read it off of the 
> web site, though it might also be installed on the system). 
> The overwhelming majority of the time i have a question 
> on OpenBSD i find the answer in the documentation. Rarely do 
> i have to ask for help.

I imagine that binary compatability is nill (The whole
Different kernel thing and all), but what is source
compatability like between Linux and Unix in most cases?


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