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Re: [tlug] [OT] A question for the Amazon guys

Drew Hamilton wrote:

I've been looking for a new eBook reader since my Librie met its
untimely end in the restroom of Lester Pearson airport in Toronto (I

This could be an opening for a Larry Craig joke if I were so inclined.

never did get to find out how The Godfather ends).  I wonder if I can
buy books from Amazon and sync them with this Kindle using the USB
cable, rather than online...

Doesn't look as though there's a place for making the hookup. Crave has a "first hands-on review" which, if I have sent it correctly from my WIN box to my Linux box, is at:

Sorry, it isn't turning into a hyperlink as I type but it might turn into one by the time it reaches the list. I did a test cut and paste into my browser and it worked that way.



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