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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Feedback needed (i.e., website design): KISS
- Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 16:59:59 -0500
- From: Daniel Son <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Feedback needed (i.e., website design): KISS
- References: <> <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070809)
Thanks for the comments. I wonder which version of Konqueror you use. I couldn't reproduce it with the version I have, neither shifted layer, nor missing categories list. And I have the old one, that came with Suse enterprise 9. The only link that is there and doesn't work is FAQ.
Lynx will not work because of extensive use of XMLHttpRequest. Other comments are taken into the account.
Thanks a lot again.
-- - Open Source software catalog
jep200404 wrote:KISS.
Daniel Son wrote:
1) what's people experience using the resource;
Most folks have never heard of your web site, so search engines will be helpful for leading folks to your site. Make it easy for search engines to index _all_ of your site. Follow their recommendations.
Note the warning about fancy features such as javascript and cookies. _Do_ test with a text browser such as lynx.
Right now, your web site just looks like a hollow stub. Here's what I saw:
Many buttons do nothing.
Registration adds couple of options to the search
Many people (including myself) run away from registration, so make it clear that registration is only for advanced features.
Study other web sites, such as for what they do well and what they do poorly. KISS.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Feedback needed (i.e., website design): KISS
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- References:
- [tlug] Feedback needed
- From: Daniel Son
- Re: [tlug] Feedback needed (i.e., website design): KISS
- From: jep200404
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