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Re: [tlug] xen and windows

On Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 07:50:54AM +0900, Darren Cook wrote:

> The pages I've looked at seem to talk about installing Windows. Does
> that mean I cannot buy a machine with windows pre-installed, then
> install linux, and then run linux as the host OS and windows as the
> guest OS?  (I know how to repartition disks and install linux on a
> machine with windows pre-installed; what I'm not clear on is if the
> guest OS has to be installed through vmware (or xen) or if an already
> installed OS can be a guest OS.)

I don't quite understand the question.  If you have a machine with
Windows preinstalled, you can install the Windows version of
VMWare-server.  You can then install Linux (a virtual machine) in that.
That is, the host will be Windows, the guest will be Linux.

Or, you can have a machine running Linux, install the Linux version of
VMWare Server and install Windows in that.  Basically, on any x86
machine, you can install any guest system that runs on it.  (I'm not
sure about x64's, I haven't had a chance to play with them. )

In other words, the host can be any O/S that runs on that architecture.
The guest can also be any system that runs on that architecture.  For
example, when you open VMWare server, whether in Windows or Linux, you
can choose to create a new guest system. It will then ask if the guest
system is Windows, Sun, FreeBSD, Linux, and if Linux, which
type--although you can always choose other.

Hope this helps.

Scott Robbins
PGP keyID EB3467D6
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