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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Email Storage
- Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2007 14:28:26 +0900
- From: Simon Cozens <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Email Storage
- References: <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20070728)
Jason Hall wrote: > What do people here use for long term personal email storage/archiving? I spent several years trying to find a good answer to this question. :) Currently, I use gmail for backup and searching, (by rights I should be using Buscador and Email::Store, but, well, I don't...) and a rather clever exim filter: --------SNIP------- # Exim filter logfile /home/simon/.audit_log # Catch mailing list mail and file by date # Put all mails from, e.g., tlug in tlug-yyyymm if not delivered and ( $h_List-Id: matches "<([^\.]+).*>" or $sender_address: matches "owner-([^[" or $sender_address: matches "(.*)-request@" ) then if "$1:$tod_log" matches "([^:]+):(....-..)" then save Maildir/.$1-$2/ logwrite "$header_from::$header_subject::List $1" endif endif # Put all mails not apparently to me (circulars, etc.) into # questionable-yyyymm if not delivered and $header_to: does not contain $local_part then if "$tod_log" matches "(.......)" then save Maildir/.questionable-$1/ logwrite "$header_from::$header_subject::Questionable" endif endif # Put everything else in the inbox if not delivered then save Maildir/ logwrite "$header_from::$header_subject::Accepting" endif --------SNIP------- I then move things to read-mail-yyyymm also have a rather clever Thunderbird extension which automatically sets the outbox to outbox-yyyymm. Either I know what month things happened in, in which case scanning a limited number of mails is easy, or I don't, in which case I use gmail's search. -- Jenkinson's Law: It won't work.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] Email Storage
- From: Sigurd Urdahl
- References:
- [tlug] Email Storage
- From: Jason Hall
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