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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] [OT] book - The Truth About Hiring the Best
- Date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 16:18:54 +0900
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] [OT] book - The Truth About Hiring the Best
- References: <>
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070604) さんは書きました: > Hi, > > Just looking on Safari and this one[1] came up. Any opinions? > > Edward > > 1. > Very interesting! Here is the list of the "truths". Please go ahead and make inline comments. Part I: The Truth About Identifying the Best Truth 1. There is no such thing as the ideal candidate Truth 2. You are a seller in a buyer's market Truth 3. Catch the boomerangs Truth 4. Rehire the retired Truth 5. Job-hoppers could be show-stoppers Truth 6. Seek refuge(e) Part II: The Truth About Recruiting the Best Truth 7. It's a war for talent Analyze your competitors Determine your marketing advantage Truth 8. Maybe you don't want "new blood" Truth 9. Your actions speak louder than words Truth 10. Targeting everybody attracts nobody Truth 11. You are a talent scout Truth 12. The Internet may not be the best place for recruiting Truth 13. Use the enthused Truth 14. It takes a village to hire one employee Truth 15. Newspaper ads can be great when managed properly Truth 16. Your invitation might be chasing applicants away Part III: The Truth About Interviewing Truth 17. The candidate isn't the only one who has to interview right Truth 18. Ask what they will do, not what they can do Truth 19. Charlie might be more than just a great mechanic Truth 20. Passion―in fashion? Truth 21. Good candidates might not talk to you Truth 22. You're not Sigmund Freud Benchmarking responses Using benchmarks during the interview Truth 23. Candidates and the truth―the whole truth Truth 24. Don't let the candidate's resume drive the interview Truth 25. Avoid the "hot seat" Truth 26. You can oversell the job Strategies to avoid overselling Truth 27. There is such a thing as a bad question Truth 28. You're guilty until you prove you're innocent Truth 29. It's impolite (and discriminatory) to ask about age Truth 30. You wouldn't ask him if he's married―don't ask her either Truth 31. Kind curiosity can kill a career Truth 32. Avoid questions about religious affiliations Truth 33. Your mother was wrong; sometimes do be rude Part IV: The Truth About the Selection Process Truth 34. Have a vacancy to fill? You're already too late. Truth 35. Warning: this resume may contain spin! Truth 36. Your candidate may be a scam-didate Truth 37. The resume says "yes," but the body language says "no" Truth 38. The receptionist test―better than salt? Truth 39. Don't send away candidates dressed for a day at the beach Truth 40. You aren't an elephant Truth 41. Keep on selling to candidates Part V: The Truth About Panel and Multiple Interviews, Background Checks, Tests, and Other Tools of the Trade Truth 42. Invest in telephone screening to save time later Predetermine "knock-out" factors Schedule appropriate candidates for the next selection step Truth 43. Face-to-face doesn't have to be in-person Truth 44. Too many cooks might improve the broth Truth 45. Make haste slowly Truth 46. You may want to hire candidates even when they get a bad reference Truth 47. Beware the "Whizzinator" Truth 48. Be real, even if scary Truth 49. No crystal ball? Try employment testing Truth 50. Graphology: palm reading or valid tool? Part VI: The Truth About Evaluating Candidates and Making the Offer Truth 51. The last one you interview only seems like the winner Truth 52. The one who offers salary information first is the loser Truth 53. Don't tell candidates why they weren't selected
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- Re: [tlug] [OT] book - The Truth About Hiring the Best
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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- [tlug] [OT] book - The Truth About Hiring the Best
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