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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] proposal for talk on LaTeX
- Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 20:21:55 +0900
- From: "Gernot Hassenpflug" <>
- Subject: [tlug] proposal for talk on LaTeX
Hello all, I've enjoyed the TLUG ML tremendously these last few months, also the tech meetings, and despite my knowledge of computers being laughably incoherent and superficial. Nevertheless, I do have some interests that I feel strongly enough about to want to talk about in front of TLUG members, providing of course that the content is suitable to TLUG. In short, I'd like to give a talk on LaTeX, that wonderful and complex typesetting system included in virtually every linux desktop distribution, and which has given me a lot of pleasure (and headaches) over the last few years. In particular, I want to talk about LaTeX's CJK capabilities, which are entirely owing to the efforts of Werner Lemberg, a professional musician ( My aim has been and continues to be the practical use of LaTeX for typesetting documents in Japanese and English (in the same document), and using both horizontal and vertical typesetting. For this, I have made some small contributions to the current LaTeX CJK package, and have managed to convert arbitrary TTF fonts from MS Windows to use with LaTeX/dvips (I also plan to use TTF fonts directly with pdftex). What I would like to show interested members is that LaTeX is currently quite capable of producing documents as complex font-wise in layout as business cards and presentations, in Japanese (and Korean and Chinese, left as an exercise to the reader) and English (and with babel, also other, mostly European, languages), to the same level of font content as MS Windows programs (such as Adobe Illustrator and MS Powerpoint) are capable of accomplishing. I'd like to hear comments and criticism on this proposal, and also I'm happy to entertain requests for things to demonstrate (if I am capable of doing such). Regards, Gernot Hassenpflug PS: I've sent a 1-page PDF file (117kB) with a demonstration of TTFs to the admins. If anyone wants this, please let me know and I can email it to you.
- Follow-Ups:
- [tlug] Re: proposal for talk on LaTeX
- From: Gernot Hassenpflug
- Re: [tlug] proposal for talk on LaTeX
- From: CL
- Re: [tlug] proposal for talk on LaTeX
- From: Simon Cozens
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