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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] RESPECT MICROSOFT
- Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 09:05:22 +0900
- From: "Josh Glover" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] RESPECT MICROSOFT
- References: <>
On 12/08/07, Phillip Tribble <> wrote: > "Jim Zemlin (executive director for the Linux Foundation) gave a talk at > LinuxWorld saying that the open source community should stop poking fun > at Microsoft: 'This also requires that the Linux community respects Microsoft > rather than ridicule it. "There are some things that Windows does pretty well," > Zemlin said. Microsoft for instance has excelled in marketing the operating > system, and has a good track record in fending off competition.'/-- This all smacks of reason to me. What specifically do you disagree with? That Microsoft has not succeeded in marketing their OSes? That Windows sucks at *everything*? Sun Tzu has some interesting things to say about respecting one's enemies, IIRC. And to quote Mark Shuttleworth (thanks, Lyle!), "There is a danger in the fact that many of the people who are passionate about Linux, are really passionate about their opposition to the status quo... because the question arises - when the status quo changes, what will bind us together. And, ah... So I think my focus is very much on promotion of what is good about this software." > I think it is time for Linux crush micsrosoft! Any takers? Why bother? Google and Co. have already crushed Microsoft; it will just take 10 years for that to become evident. Phillip, I really think that posts like this hurt the Linux cause. I guess you disagree, but at least think about it. The business world takes thoughtful commentary like Zemlin's much more seriously than it does Slashdaughter ravings. -- Cheers, Josh
- Follow-Ups:
- From: Dave M G
- From: Edward Middleton
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- From: Phillip Tribble
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