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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE: [tlug] executing a command that requires root from a python script
- Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2007 02:27:30 +0000
- From: "Mike J" <>
- Subject: RE: [tlug] executing a command that requires root from a python script
Doesn't really help but it sounds like something SSH keys could do.....
From: "Hector Akamine" <> Reply-To: Tokyo Linux Users Group <> To: "Tokyo Linux Users Group" <> Subject: [tlug] executing a command that requires root from a python script Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 10:51:28 +0900
I would like to execute a command that requires root privileges from a
python script, for example something like "su -l -c ifconfig"
(I don't want my entire python script running with root privileges).
I can execute the command using subprocess.Popen(), but I am required to enter
the root password with the keyboard. I would like the python script
to enter the password
I have tried to do something like keyb = StringIO.StringIO() keyb.write('rootpass\n') subproc = subprocess.Popen(["su","-l","-c","ifconfig"], stdin=keyb)
to try to create a file-like object and feed it as stdin to the subprocess, but it doesn't work (got an error)
Is it possible to do this?
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- References:
- [tlug] executing a command that requires root from a python script
- From: Hector Akamine
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