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RE: [tlug] Free

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lyle H Saxon
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:18 AM
> So you end up with this mountain of disinformation that becomes part
> of mainstream culture and by then, there's nearly no way to stop it.
> Meanwhile, ABC Inc., which had a superior product, but not a mountain
> of cash to throw into back-door PR moves, goes out of business or
> slips far behind XYZ Inc.

How much effort has been put forth by the Linux
community, into running surveys and such to ask 
the general populous the various questions about
how they use their computers.

We need a PR organization of some sort if we want
to make things more mainstream.  Canonical has done
great things in that direction as it is. :P  I
know that among the community there are those who
do not like Linux to be user friendly enough for
the average user, and I know there are those who
disaprove of proprietary drivers used on a mostly
free system, but Ubuntu is the kind of initiative
that is needed at this time to keep things rolling.

We have made progress.  Like someone said, people
have actually heard of Linux now.  You can walk into
Hastings, or Borders, or pretty much any large book
store, and find Linux magazines in their periodicals
section.  >:P  Even Kumazawa has them, but I can't
read Japanese well enough to take advantage of the
vast selection of Linux Magazines in Japan.

A PR campaign may be important, but the community as
a whole may be required in order to make it financially
possible.  ^^;;  If you got ever linux user to donate
a dollar, that might add up quick. :P

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