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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE: [tlug] Apple owns CUPS
- Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2007 09:15:41 +0900
- From: <>
- Subject: RE: [tlug] Apple owns CUPS
> > This conversation reminded me that there is an > amusing case that shows that a revocation must > be clear and that coarse abuse doesn't count. One > night Mr Gilham was spotted driving without lights > by two police officers. They followed him to his > home and stopped outside his house. Mr Gilham walked > up his path and the officers followed him informing him > that his lights weren't lit and asking if they could take > a breath test. He response was to say "fuck off you planks". > The courts ruled that this phrase did not terminate the > officer's licence to be on Mr Gilham's property. > > (Gilham v. Breidenbach [1982] RTR 328). > Hehe. Very funny. I think most courts would agree with that one. Although, there are some places where he would get off simply because they didn't start flashing their lights while he was still behind the wheele. ^^;; Sad but true. -- Ken
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