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- Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 09:17:11 -0700
- From: steven smith <>
- Subject: [tlug] Adoption of Linux
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)
This is really a response to the Free/Supporting Linux threads. I'm probably stating the obvious below, but... I've been watching my family around computer use for a while now. I'm one of the oldest cousins with about 60 first, second and third cousins and (once upon a time) 14 aunts and uncles. The trend I've been seeing is away from XP and Vista and over to Apple, but no one has been moving to Linux. Actually (with a few exceptions) most don't even know what an operating system is, but one aunt and uncle, most of the first cousins and all the younger cousins are functional with computers. The cost of Windows/Mac OSX is irellevent to them -- they're not buying an operating system with a computer -- they're buying a box that allows them to IM their friends, buy music from iTunes, email, BLOG, Chat, do their homework, etc. Most of my cousins wouldn't even think of installing another OS over their current operating system. It does what they want it to do and they're happy. They're moving away from Microsoft because windows is kluge and they know it. And they're moving to Apple because Apple makes better use of the resources on the computer, not 'cause they hate Microsoft. Also, the Mac interface has lots of eye-candy. It's a cool interface. But with the exception of geeks like us, they're moving away from old boxes to new ones. Until people can walk into a store and pick up a box with the functionality they want and a box that their friends also use and like and that happens to run Linux, Linux won't be used by most people. I was so excited about the $150 Linux laptop because something like that is what it will take to get the masses to adopt Linux. What is interesting to me is that now days, Linux has name recognition -- all my cousins know about it. It's just too complicated and you have to install it yourself. It's -- you know -- geeky :) Steve S.
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