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- Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 00:49:25 +0900
- From: "Lyle H Saxon" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Free
Marty Pauley wrote: >>On 8/2/07, Stephen J. Turnbull <> wrote: >>>Your usage of the word "free" is valid according to some definitions. >>>Curt's usage of "free" is entirely consistent with modern economic >>>terminology. And it is the appropriate usage for this context. >> >>LHS: Then "modern economic terminology" is sophistic and divorced from >>reality. When you pay money for something that you don't want, it's >>not free. > >Maybe you should read your dictionary again, or maybe we all should >stop using the work "free" if we are all using different meanings. That definition of free refers to freedom, the definition of free Curt was referring to was one of money. You're mixing those up as a joke, or are you a non-native English speaker? Anyway, here are the definitions of free, as per your request: free adj. 1. enjoying personal rights or liberty, as a person who is not in slavery: a land of free people. 2. pertaining to or reserved for those who enjoy personal liberty: They were thankful to be living on free soil. 3. existing under, characterized by, or possessing civil and political liberties that are, as a rule, constitutionally guaranteed by representative government: the free nations of the world. 4. enjoying political autonomy, as a people or country not under foreign rule; independent. 5. exempt from external authority, interference, restriction, etc., as a person or one's will, thought, choice, action, etc.; independent; unrestricted. 6. able to do something at will; at liberty: free to choose. 7. clear of obstructions or obstacles, as a road or corridor: The highway is now free of fallen rock. 8. not occupied or in use: I'll try to phone her again if the line is free. 9. exempt or released from something specified that controls, restrains, burdens, etc. (usually fol. by from or of): free from worry; free of taxes. 10. having immunity or being safe (usually fol. by from): free from danger. 11. provided without, or not subject to, a charge or payment: free parking; a free sample. 12. given without consideration of a return or reward: a free offer of legal advice. 13. unimpeded, as motion or movement; easy, firm, or swift. 14. not held fast; loose; unattached: to get one's arm free. 15. not joined to or in contact with something else: The free end of the cantilever sagged. 16. acting without self-restraint or reserve: to be too free with one's tongue. 17. ready or generous in giving; liberal; lavish: to be free with one's advice. 18. given readily or in profusion; unstinted. 19. frank and open; unconstrained, unceremonious, or familiar. 20. unrestrained by decency; loose or licentious: free behavior. 21. not subject to special regulations, restrictions, duties, etc.: The ship was given free passage. 22. of, pertaining to, or characterized by free enterprise: a free economy. 23. that may be used by or is open to all: a free market. 24. engaged in by all present; general: a free fight. 25. not literal, as a translation, adaptation, or the like; loose. 26. uncombined chemically: free oxygen. 27. traveling without power; under no force except that of gravity or inertia: free flight. 28. Phonet. (of a vowel) situated in an open syllable (opposed to checked). 29. at liberty to enter and enjoy at will (usually fol. by of): to be free of a friend's house. 30. not subject to rules, set forms, etc.: The young students had an hour of free play between classes. 31. easily worked, as stone, land, etc. 32. Math. (of a vector) having specified magnitude and direction but no specified initial point. Cf. bound1 (def. 9). 33. Also, large. Naut. (of a wind) nearly on the quarter, so that a sailing vessel may sail free. 34. not containing a specified substance (often used in combination): a sugar-free soft drink. 35. (of a linguistic form) occurring as an independent construction, without necessary combination with other forms, as most words. Cf. bound1 (def. 11). 36. for free, Informal. without charge: The tailor mended my jacket for free. 37. free and clear, Law. without any encumbrance, as a lien or mortgage: They owned their house free and clear. 38. free and easy, a. unrestrained; casual; informal. b. excessively or inappropriately casual; presumptuous. 39. set free, to release; liberate; free: The prisoners were set free. 40. with a free hand, generously; freely; openhandedly: He entertains visitors with a free hand. 41. without cost, payment, or charge. adv. 42. in a free manner; freely. 43. Naut. away from the wind, so that a sailing vessel need not be close-hauled: running free. 44. make free with, a. to use as one's own; help oneself to: If you make free with their liquor, you won't be invited again. b. to treat with too much familiarity; take liberties with. v.t. 45. to make free; set at liberty; release from bondage, imprisonment, or restraint. 46. to exempt or deliver (usually fol. by from). 47. to relieve or rid (usually fol. by of): to free oneself of responsibility. 48. to disengage; clear (usually fol. by from or of). 49. free up, a. to release, as from restrictions: Congress voted to free up funds for the new highway system. b. to disentangle: It took an hour to free up the traffic jam. >But anyway, back to the point. If I buy a PC with Windows, the >Windows component will not cost me extra: that is what normal >unsophisticated people call "free". Show me where it says in the dictionary that free means "paying for something but not realizing you paid for it", that's more along the lines of ignorance, not free or freedom! Lyle
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- Re: [tlug] Free
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