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Re: [tlug] Re: font/char set question

On 30/07/07, Darren Cook <> wrote:

> Do you have a list of Japanese web browsers that do not display UTF-8
> correctly (and, in the cast of mobile, do not convert UTF-8 to Shift-JIS
> at the gateway)?

No, but Wikipedia might. And Zev may be able to give us info on
Japanese keitai that support UTF-8, provided that info does not
violate his NDA(s).

I would imagine that most Japanese keitai browsers these days can
handle displaying UTF-8 on web pages (but *not* in email!), but I am
less confident in their ability to input it in forms and such.

Japanese keitai browsers are pretty damned primitive. Here are some of
the things that they do not support:
- Cookies (!)
- Javascript
- Inline images
- Automatic client-side redirects (this is actually a feature; imagine
the packet charges that could result from a page redirection loop)
- Automatic page refreshes (feature; see above)
- Animations except for Flash

and more! :(

> I thought the last major non-mobile browser that didn't do UTF-8 was IE3
> or IE4.

That is probably true, but think of all the embedded devices in Japan
with web browsers. In order for our site to *never* display mojibake
to 99.999999999999% of our Japanese customers, it is in Shit_JIS.

It just has not made business sense to do otherwise. I think I may be
able to implement a solution in a trivial amount of time, but even
then, I doubt my solution will be accepted into PC site Gurupa. I may
not even get clearance to do this for the mobile site, as the risk is
non-zero and the reward is effectively zero. I am willing to try,
since I agree with Jim that it is The Right Thing(TM), but I imagine
my chances of success are minimal.


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